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Heartland Christian College completed another step toward accreditation in September when a team of evaluators arrived from the Association of Biblical Higher Education. The ABHE team spent several days in Heartland. They interviewed students, faculty, and alumni and also went through a large amount of paperwork the College team had prepared.

The College thanks the visiting team for their work towards the accreditation process, as well as their personal insight and ideas for future improvements. Thanks also to the Heartland community for demonstrating hospitality to the team, and ongoing support for the College and its students.

HCC is hoping for a positive report, however, the final results will not be announced until February. Until then, the College and the community will keep right on working together and enjoying the process.

About ABHE

“The Association for Biblical higher Education is a North American agency, made of approximately 200 postsecondary institutions throughout North America specializing in biblical ministry formation and professional leadership education. ABHE exists to enhance the quality and credibility of higher educational institutions that engage students in biblical, transformational, experiential, and missional higher education through accreditation, professional development, and collaborative engagements benefiting the Kingdom of Christ.”

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