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Areas Of




HCC offers an area of concentration in Education. These elective classes are designed to lay a foundation of the theory, process, and product of godly education.


Students completing the area of concentration in Education will:

• Explore biblical patterns of education

• Gain practical experience with introductory teaching tools and concepts

The Education concentration consists of:

Introduction to Education                    3

Methods and Observation I, II, III        3

Creative Bible Teaching                        3

1 3-hour elective from another area   3

Total 12 hours



HCC offers an area of concentration in Missions. These elective classes lay a foundation for extending the kingdom of God wherever you are planted—whether across the seas or in your own backyard.


Students completing the area of concentration in Missions will:

• Explore biblical patterns of evangelical missions

• Gain practical experience in short-term missions work

The Missions concentration consists of:

Introduction to Missions                         3

Evangelism in the New Testament        3

Missions Practicum I, II, III*                    3

1 3-hour elective from another area      3

Total 12 hours

Worship Arts


HCC offers an area of concentration in Worship Arts. These elective classes are designed to lay a foundation of true worship using music and related fields of support.


Students completing the area of concentration in Worship Arts will:

• Explore biblical patterns of worship

• Gain practical experience in various areas of worship ministry

The Worship Arts concentration consists of:

Introduction to Worship Ministry       3

Introduction to Worship Music           3

Worship Team I, II, Practicum             3

1 3-hour elective from another area   3

Total 12 hours

Interdisciplinary Studies


HCC offers an area of concentration in Interdisciplinary Studies. These elective classes are designed to lay a broad foundation for the purpose of continued exploration of Christianity and biblical living.


Students completing the area of concentration of Interdisciplinary Studies will:

• Explore the theory and practice of Christian Service from a biblical perspective

• Identify areas of interest for further exploration

The Interdisciplinary Studies concentration consists of:

Introduction to Christian Ministry    3

3 3-hour electives from other areas 9

Total 12 hours

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