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The King’s Tapestry

Heartland Christian College presents a musical, “The King’s Tapestry” performed by HCC students. King’s Tapestry is the story of the kingdom of Zion in a time of transition and growth. The king of Zion has had a long and glorious reign, and his...

HCC Writers Guild

If you are interested in writing for publication now or in the future, you are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Heartland Christian College Writers Guild to be held at the Solid Rock Café, 6:30pm on January 2, 2017. If you have a work-in-progress, please...

Spring Semester 2017

Registration is open for spring semester classes. Block 1 runs from January 11 thru March 2, 2017, and the following courses will be offered:  Mon./Wed. 8-10:40am… Old Testament Studies II, Life of Paul Tues./Thurs. 8-10:40am… Speech, Western Church II Fri. 9am…...

Student Fundraisers

HCC students are looking forward to the annual missions trip to South Dakota in December. They’ve started a fundraising drive, with two main events: Rent-a-Student, and a Chili Supper. CHILI SUPPER We invite you to join us November 4th at the HCA gym from 5:30-8:00pm...

Awaken 2016

AWAKEN 2016 is shifting this year, with new dates, speakers, and format. “Walk by the Spirit” will be a 2-day conference Friday & Saturday, September 23-24, geared toward youth who are passionate about Jesus and worshiping Him. AWAKEN features corporate worship...

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.