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Upcoming Events 6.23.14

Friday chapel is at Caleb Barton’s home at 8am. Summer class ends next Thursday, July 3rd. Please remember to pray for those on the mission trip to the Philippines. This week they will hold some outreaches in villages around the larger cities and continue church...

Upcoming Events 6.16

Friday chapel is at the Rihanek’s home at 8am. Please remember to pray for those on the Philippines mission trip. They leave tomorrow, June 17th, and return June 28th. The team will hold pastors conferences, a ladies meeting, and outreaches in two...

Upcoming Events 6.2.14

Summer classes have begun! Please remember that summer payment or set up of payroll deductions is due this week. Friday chapel is at the Palmer’s home at 8am. Next Friday, June 13th, chapel is at the Ozark House at 8am. Sunday, June 15th is HCC’s nursing...

Upcoming Events

Next Monday, June 2nd the summer class begins! As a reminder, this class will meet Monday through Thursday from 8am – 10am in Classroom 1. Please be reminded that students are required to have all text books for the first day of class. Friday chapels will resume...

Congratulations Graduates!

HCC would like to congratulate its 2014 graduates, Chelsea Bradley, Lance Bock, Daniel Pinon and Rodney Coffman. May you be truly blessed as you allow yourselves to be lead by God into your new day!

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.