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Upcoming Events 2.23.15

Tomorrow night (Tuesday) is the college fun night! This will be a volleyball night at the dorm gym, starting at 6:30 pm. Please remember, if you are not scheduled to work tomorrow night, we would like for you to be at the fun night. Friday chapel is at Caleb...

Upcoming Events 2.2.15

The Robby Mitchell meetings will continue tonight (Monday) through Wednesday night at Heartland Community Church. Meetings start at 6:30 pm. Students are required to attend these meetings unless working. Friday chapel is prayer in the Upper Commons at 8...

Upcoming Events 1.26.15

Tomorrow evening (Tuesday) is our first college Fun Night of the semester! Students that are not working should plan to meet in the dorm cafeteria at 6pm. We will have dinner together and a great evening planned by the Student Council. Friday chapel is at Jared and...

Upcoming Events 1.19.15

Friday chapel is prayer in the Upper Commons at 8 am. Servanthood II will meet for regular class this Friday (as opposed to a lab) following chapel Next Tuesday, January 27th, is a College Fun Night at 6 pm, meeting downstairs in the cafeteria. The student council has...

Upcoming Events 1.12.15

Spring classes have begun! Just a reminder, students have until next Wednesday, January 21st to add or drop classes free of charge, however, the longer a student waits (particularly if you want to add a class) the harder it may be to catch up from the days missed in...

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.