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Upcoming Events 12.09.13

Friday chapel is prayer in the Upper Commons at 8am. Reminder to traditional students, next Friday the 20th is our Christmas party. Every student should have a name they drew and should be getting a gift to present to that person at the party. Monday the 16th will be...

Upcoming Events 12.02.13

Wednesday chapel will be relocated to the HCA gym. HCC students will be attending the HCA dance recital. This event begins at 8am, and all traditional students are required to attend. Students going on the mission trip to South Dakota need to meet at the dorms no...

South Dakota Mission Trip

Students will leave this Thursday for South Dakota where they will help serve at large Christmas events on Native American reservations. Many Native Americans in need will be served a meal, given gifts and told the message of Christ. Students will be gone from...

Upcoming Events

HCC staff and students will have our family Thanksgiving dinner at the Ozark House tomorrow night (Tuesday the 26th) at 6pm. Thanksgiving Break begins Wednesday at 8am and goes through Sunday, Dec. 1st at 5pm. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Students should be...

Upcoming Events 11.18.13

The volleyball tournament is finally here! Tomorrow evening, HCA students and staff and HCC students and staff will face off in a tournament of students vs. staff. There is a small entrance fee and concessions will be available. All proceeds will go towards the HCC...

Spring 2014 Enrollment

Spring 2014 enrollment is now open! To register for classes, or for any questions regarding courses being offered, please contact the Registrar’s office at 660-284-4800 or email Click below for the Spring 2014 Course Calendar or...

Upcoming Events 11.11.13

Rent-a-student projects end this week. Since this is the final week for the fundraiser, please be willing to help as job requests arise. A big thank you to those that have worked hard over the last several weeks to fulfill rent-a-student jobs. Spring 2014 enrollment...

Chapel Location Changes

Due to renovations and meetings going on in the Upper Commons, Wednesday chapel will be in Classroom I, and Friday prayer will be at the Ozark Lodge in the women’s prayer room at 8am.

Upcoming Events 11.4.13

Students should watch their emails this week for the spring 2013 course schedule. Students should begin to look over the schedule and meet with their Academic Adviser to discuss course registration plans for next semester. Spring 2013 registration will open next week....

Upcoming Events 10.28.13

Tomorrow evening is our Chili Supper Missions Fundraiser! Please remember, all traditional students need to be at the HCA gym at 4:30 to begin setting up for the evening. If work does not allow for a student to be there by 4:30, please come as soon as possible after...

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.