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Upcoming Events 10.21.13

Friday chapel is prayer in the Upper Commons at 8am. Tuesday, October 29th is the Chili Supper Missions Fundraiser! Start inviting people now; word-of-mouth is the best way to get people excited about something. Also, remember that each student has an assigned job...

Upcoming Events 10.14.13

Tuesday night is College Fun Night! All traditional students that aren’t working will meet at the dorm gym at 6:30pm for some volleyball fun. Friday chapel is at the Ozark House at 8 am. Reminder: All traditional students need to meet with their Academic...

Writing Seminar Recap

HCC hosted its first seminar on Tuesday, October 1st. For Love and Money, a writing seminar, was conducted by Kathy Nickerson, a local writer with her first published novel coming out this month. The event was well attended with around 25 participants from the local...

Upcoming Events 10.7.13

Friday chapel is prayer in the Upper Commons at 8 am. Remember to be praying this week for the group that left for Israel today. Servanthood I class will have a lab on Friday. Students should wear their HCC t-shirts and jeans appropriate for cleaning. Monday, October...

Upcoming Events 9.30.13

Tomorrow evening is HCC’s first seminar, For Love and Money with Kathy Nickerson. The seminar will be held at 7pm in the Upper Commons. Registration for the seminar is $15. The Rent-a-Student fundraiser officially begins tomorrow, October 1st. Requests for...

Upcoming Events 9.24.13

Tomorrow is national See You At the Pole day. HCC is going to join the HCA students at 7:50 am around their school flagpole for a time of prayer. Following prayer, we will gather back in the Upper Commons for chapel. Thursday is a College Meeting Day. There will be no...

Alumni Update

Danny Dunn, an alumni from HCC (formerly Northeast Missouri Bible College) was set in as the Pastor at Life Church in Kirksville, MO this past weekend. HCC is very excited for Danny, his family, and the church family in Kirksville. The president, his wife, and many...

Upcoming Events 9.16.13

Reminder that tomorrow evening (September 17th) is our first college fun night of the semester! We will be going to Quincy. Guys and girls will be picked up at their residential housing at 5:15 pm. One game of golf and ice cream will be provided for each student. Any...

Upcoming Events 9.10.13

Friday chapel is at the Palmer’s home at 8 am. Start brainstorming great missions fundraising ideas! Servanthood I will have a lab on Friday. Students need to wear their HCC t-shirts and jeans. Next Tuesday, September 17th we will have our first fun night of the...

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.