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Upcoming Events 4.8.13

Friday chapel is at the Palmer’s house at 8 am. Next week is Assessment Week. Students need to begin thinking of available times during the day next week when you could come to the computer lab to complete institutional assessments. Next Tuesday, April 16th, is...

Leadership Ordination

President, Kris Palmer, and his family were pleased to be with Restoration Church in Casper, Wyoming for the ordination of three new elders on March 10th. Two of the elders, Caleb Palmer (pictured middle) and Jason Benson (pictured right), along with their wives are...

Upcoming Events 3.25.13

This weekend is Easter Break for HCC students. There will be no chapel or classes on Friday, March 29. Students are released at 8 am on Friday and need to return by 5 pm on Sunday. The HCC Friends of the College Banquet is coming up on April 23rd. Spread the news to...

Friends of the College Banquet 2013

We invite you to attend the first annual Heartland Christian College Friends of the College Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 23rd. Following a catered steak dinner at the Heartland Auditorium (at Heartland Christian Academy, 101 Nations Boulevard, Bethel, MO), you...

Missions Conference 2013 Report

HCC was pleased to host the HACC  annual Missions Conference day meetings in our Upper Commons area this year. Every year missionaries from around the world (many of them indigenous to their countries) come to Heartland at the beginning of March for this conference...

Dean’s List – Fall 2012

Heartland Christian College is pleased to announce the Fall 2012 Dean’s List. The following students have earned a place on the Dean’s List by achieving a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher while carrying full-time credit hours. The College...

Upcoming Events 1.14.13

You have officially made it through your first week of Spring classes. Give yourself a pat on the back! A few things to be reminded of are: Friday morning chapel will be held at the Rihanek home. Friday the 14th is the last free add/drop day for classes. Please see...

College Preview 2013

Get a glimpse of what Heartland Christian College is all about at our annual College Preview Day. See an overview of classes, dorm life, chapel, and the fun we have serving Jesus together. Interact with current HCC students in group and individual settings. Discover...

South Dakota December 2012 Report

Heartland Christian College students traveled to South Dakota in December as volunteers for special Christmas outreaches on Lakota Indian Reservations. They also delivered new toys collected from the community. Partnering with He Sapa Ministries, HCC helped by setting...

Upcoming Events12.31.12

With Christmas break coming to a close we thought it wise to give you a couple reminders that will come in handy as you prepare to return. This Thursday, January 3rd, is our Spring Orientation day. We will be spending the day together and if you haven’t already...

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.