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Heartland Christian College recently began our fall 2020 semester in the midst of these very unique times in which we are living. We have a small student body so we are able to do social distancing in classrooms, meeting areas, dining areas, etc. So far we have successfully integrated the students back on campus for face-to-face classes and residential living with no reported Covid-19 cases. God has been very gracious to us.

Even though our numbers are small, we continue to have a diverse student body from a variety of states as well as some international students and Karen refugee students. We also have traditional students who graduated the Heartland Men’s Recovery Center as well as men currently in that program taking Monday evening courses. We believe that God has sent us the exact students that he wants us to serve in this timeframe. We had a great Orientation Week, and the students are excited about growing and pursuing God in their individual lives and as a group. We are really looking forward to what He has for us this year.

We were sad to miss our annual Friends of the College fundraising banquet in the spring as we often get to see many of you at that event. We are now in the midst of a campaign to try and raise funds in other ways such as through mailings and Facebook. Our plan for the next couple of years is to initiate an in-house Work/Study program to provide some income for several students.

We so appreciate the support you have provided to HCC, and we continue to covet your prayers as we move forward. God has a plan for each student’s life, and we are privileged to be a small part of what he is doing. Thank you for joining with us.

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.