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HCCfriendsofthecollege2013We invite you to attend the first annual Heartland Christian College Friends of the College Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 23rd.

Following a catered steak dinner at the Heartland Auditorium (at Heartland Christian Academy, 101 Nations Boulevard, Bethel, MO), you will hear from our keynote speaker. Former U.S. Attorney General, Governor of Missouri, and U.S. Senator, John Ashcroft, the Chairman of the Ashcroft Group, has been leading Americans for over 30 years in public and private service. In 2005, Mr. Ashcroft established The Ashcroft Group, LLC to help domestic and international corporations apply the leadership principles, sound judgment, and high goals he embraced during his over three decades of public service to the business world.

This fundraiser evening is by reservation only.

General Admission Seating: $50 per person

Special Reserved Seating: $100 per person (includes a pre-event Meet & Greet with Mr. Ashcroft)

Tickets are available from the College office by calling 660-284-4800. To register online using your bank card or credit card, click here. To purchase tickets by mail click to print form and return with your payment.

All proceeds benefit the Heartland Christian College general fund.

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.