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Withdrawal from School

A student who voluntarily chooses to completely withdraw from Heartland Christian College during an ongoing semester, completes the following procedure:

1. Student discusses their need for withdrawal from HCC with administration as needed.

2. A Withdraw/Add Request form is obtained from the Registrar and completed by the student. Student signs and dates the Request.

3. Academic Dean approves request by signing and dating Request form.

Transcripts show a Voluntary Withdrawal (VWD) for all courses in which the student was enrolled. The student is responsible for paying any remaining balance after refund adjustments, that has been unmet by previous payroll deductions. The balance is due immediately; however, payment plans may be established through the bookkeeping office. Such payments must be completed before the student may re-enroll at the College.

Course Waiver/Substitution

Students may request the waiving of a course or the substitution of one course for another due to extenuating circumstances. This request does not ensure acceptance. Making such a request requires the following steps:

1. Informally discuss with Academic Dean extenuating circumstances that could result in either waiving a course or substituting one course for another.

2. Request a Substitution form or Waiver form from the Registrar. Student completes the form and returns it to the Academic Dean.

The Academic Dean makes a final decision, and the Registrar notifies the student of final decision.

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Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.