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Bible College is a place of growth through training and preparing for life. The reason I came to Heartland Christian College was for deep, strong roots so that my faith could stand against the growing storm of doubt, false dependency, and tolerance in our world today. Sure, I had other plans like any other senior in high school, but I did not really know what I wanted to do with my life. I did know I wanted to do what God wanted, but I was not sure of the direction. HCC is a great place to catch the wind that keeps you steady and pushes you in the right direction. If you allow and open your heart to God He can do amazing things, and Bible College fosters an experience that allows God to do what He wants. I learned from attending Heartland Christian College that a sure and steady way to keep on track is to find Him for myself and allow Him to know every part of me. Whether with my fears and doubts for the future or my present struggles, He is available if only I put myself in a place where He can mold and make me into a vessel that shines His light and makes a difference.

Kaitlyn Richter, Class of 2013

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