HCC students are doing their annual fundraiser for HCC Missions. They’ve started a fundraising drive, with two main events: Rent-a-Student, and a Chili Supper.
Chili Supper
We invite you to join us November 16th at the HCA gym from 5:30-8:00 pm for a Chili Supper Fundraiser. There will be food, a bake sale, cake walks, dessert auction, and a prize for the best-dressed with this year’s theme of “western rodeo.”
If you have odd jobs, babysitting, or a big project you need help with, give us a call to RENT-A-STUDENT! Past endeavors have included hanging Christmas lights, loading and unloading moving trucks, babysitting, mowing/trimming a cemetery, landscaping, car detailing, and more.
If you would like more information about HCC fundraisers please contact Jennie Mayes at 660-284-4800, talk with a student, or email the College.