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Heartland Christian College students traveled to South Dakota in December as volunteers for special Christmas outreaches on Lakota Indian Reservations. They also delivered new toys collected from the community.

HCC students at Mount Rushmore.

HCC students at Mount Rushmore.

Partnering with He Sapa Ministries, HCC helped by setting up, preparing and serving over 450 meals. They also handed out 250 gifts of toys and toiletries to children and teens as well as blankets for the elderly.

The student body spent two months raising money to provide meals for the events and to pay for their own travel expenses. They hired themselves out as Rent-A-Students for odd jobs such as hanging Christmas lights, clearing brush, cleaning out garages, and babysitting, and they also held bake sales and a chili supper.

A Native American Christmas presentation.

A Native American Christmas presentation.

About the experience, HCC student Kaitlyn Richter commented, “We accomplished a goal and went beyond expectation. Yet sending ourselves on a missions trip was not the purpose of all our busy work. The purpose was what God wanted to do for a very special people and what He wanted to develop in us. A long trip helped us get to know each other and practice patience. The events we participated in pushed us to display a servant’s heart and a joyful spirit… It involved seeing beyond ourselves and offering a hand to those who desperately needed it.”

Heartland Christian College staff and students also want to express thanks to everyone in the community who supported their efforts, through their donations as well as prayer. “Lives were changed,” added second-year student Caleb Barton. “God bless every heart that received the seed of hope that week.”

Students handing out gifts in Pierre.

Students handing out gifts in Pierre.

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