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Registration is open for Spring semester 2020 classes at Heartland Christian College. Contact the Registrar for details, 660-284-4800.

BLOCK 1-2 (January 8-April 20)

  • Monday night, 6-9pm – New Testament and History II
  • Friday, 9:00am – Servanthood I & III

BLOCK 1 (January 8-February 28)

  • Monday/Wednesday, 8:10-10:50am – Intro to Worldviews and Introduction to Christian Ministry
  • Tuesday/Thursday, 8:10-10:50am – Intro to Worship Ministry, Intro to Missions, and Intro to Education

BLOCK 2 (March 10-May 1)

  • Monday/Wednesday, 8:10-10:50am – Speech Communications and Life of Christ
  • Tuesday/Thursday, 8:10-10:50am – Relational Theology and Life of Paul



BI 120 New Testament Studies. A survey of the New Testament. This survey includes an overview of geography, historic and thematic elements, and the central message of each book. 3 credit hours

BI 201 The Life and Ministry of Christ. A study of the life, ministry, and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as taken from the Gospel accounts. 3 credit hours

BI 205 The Life and Ministry of Paul. An introductory study of the life of Paul taken from the book of Acts, focusing on the development and fulfillment of Paul’s life and ministry. Paul’s three journeys are discussed along with implications for churches today. 3 credit hours

DT 100 Relational Theology. A study of the theology of relationships as the central aspect of the Kingdom of God. Topics included are the relationships of God with man, man with others, and man with self. 3 credit hours

HS 216 The Western Church in World History II. This course presents a broad survey of the interrelationship between world history and the history of the Western Church from the time of the reformation to the present. The focus is on the major changes and movements within both the church and world history, emphasizing their relevance and impact on today. 3 credit hours

LL 201 Speech Communications. An orientation to the dynamics of speech communication, including both verbal and non-verbal elements which influence effective speaking and listening. Special attention is given to the principles of effective public speech. 3 credit hours

PS 105 Introduction to Worldviews. A biblical overview of multiple worldviews. Introduction of philosophical thought from a theological perspective, and formation of a biblical worldview and its application to current culture and society are emphasized. 3 credit hours

ED 100 Introduction to Education. This course presents an overview of the theology, philosophy, and objectives of education from a biblical worldview. It explores the roles of both teacher and learner and firmly establishes the fact that all real education begins and ends with God. 3 credit hours

CL 203 Introduction to Christian Ministry. This course includes elements of theory and practice related to various aspects of Christian ministry. It deals with issues such as one’s call and gifting, leadership principles, pastoral care, and basic homiletics. 3 credit hours

MS 100 Introduction to Missions. This course is an introduction to the Church’s present day task of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. This course surveys world missions’ biblical and historical roots, along with an overview of current methods in Missiology. Emphasis is placed on each student developing a Christ-like love for the nations of the world. 3 credit hours

WA 201 Introduction to Worship Ministry. Emphasis is placed on both the biblical basis and practical application of worship and music. Music is discussed in its various forms. Worship is discussed as it relates to historical importance, worship leading, and worship as a life-style. The student is given a biblical basis upon which to form a philosophy of music and worship in the local church. 3 credit hours

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.