Registration is open for Spring semester 2021 classes at Heartland Christian College. Contact the Registrar for details, 660-284-4800.
BLOCK 1-2 (January 13th – May 7th)
- Monday evening, 4:00- 6:30 PM- Relational Theology
- Monday evening, 4:00-6:30 PM- Ephesians
- Friday, 9:30 AM- Servanthood II & IV
BLOCK 1 (January 13th- March 5th)
- Monday/Wednesday, 8:10-10:50 AM- Intro to Worldviews and Life of Christ
- Tuesday/Thursday, 8:10-10:50 AM- Intro. To Worship Ministry, Intro. To Missions, and Intro. To Education
BLOCK 2 (March 17th- May 7th)
- Monday/Wednesday, 8:10-10:50 AM- Speech Communications and Life of Paul
- Tuesday/Thursday, 8:10-10:50 AM- New Testament Studies and Church in World History II
DT 100 Relational Theology. A study of the theology of relationships as the central aspect of the Kingdom of God. Topics included are the relationships of God with man, man with others, and man with self. 3 credit hours
BI 204 Ephesians. An introductory study of the local church in God’s plan, the structure and order of the New Testament church and the ministries of the local church and their functions. 3 credit hours
CL 111 Servanthood II. A course designed to build upon foundations laid in Servanthood I, it provides class instruction and practical application in service. Students serve in capacities and areas that challenge them to labor and sacrifice to bring strength to the family of God, and the surrounding communities. 1 credit hour
CL 211 Servanthood IV. A course designed to build upon foundations laid in Servanthood I, II, & III, it provides practical application of serving and reaching out to local communities. Students serve in capacities and areas that challenge them to labor and sacrifice to bring strength to the region in which they live. 1 credit hour
-For a list of all of HCC’s course descriptions, please refer to pages 28-30 of our ‘2020-2021 Course Catalog’ with the link ‘Catalog’ below.