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This Wednesday there is a staff/student breakfast at the Ozark House at 8:30 am. Staff and faculty are asked to bring a breakfast food or drink to share, and students can just come and enjoy! This is a good time for everyone to connect and fellowship during the break. Please contact Jennie to let her know if you will be attending this event or not.

Friday, July 18th the HCC staff and faculty will leave at 2pm for a staff/faculty retreat dinner out of town. The HCC Offices and Library will close at 2pm on Friday.

Students should have received an email with an invitation for students and their families to attend the annual HCC Family Picnic on August 9th. Please reply to Jennie letting her know how many in your family (including yourself) will be attending.

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.