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I wanted to take a few moments and welcome you to the new HCC website. It is my sincere hope that as you visit our site, you will leave well informed in regards to our Bible College. We have tried to greatly expand the information that is presented and the materials that can be downloaded for your convenience. Make sure while you are here that you visit our Amazon Store.

Our plan is to keep our current events updated in an effort to keep you informed of what is happening around here. We have also added this blog area to the site. On it will be regularly added new and interesting material from the brilliant minds of our Administration and Faculty. On occasion we will post interesting news or articles that we have read and want to share with you. With new content being updated on a regular basis, be sure and stop by often.

Thanks again for coming.


Kris Palmer

President, Heartland Christian College

Click here to reserve your spot, or forward to someone who may be interested in Bible College. Contact Judi for details, 573-633-5610.